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Jim Parrack: SunSentinel.com

Q: How do you get into character to play Hoyt and what’s your favorite thing about the role?

A: “A lot of parts on television are static. Nothing really changes. But one of the great things about that part is a lot of change. Seeing clips of seasons before, I was looking at how different things are now from the beginning. As an actor it’s a lot of fun to go through a journey like that.”

Q: Playing one of the only human characters on the show, if you could be another creature on the series, what would you want to be?

A: “I think it would be better to be a werewolf because there’s an impermanence to it. You’re gonna get old and and you’re gonna die. I know maybe that’s the opposite of what people would want, but I like the idea of an afterlife … and I would want things to conclude the way that they would with people. With a vampire, who knows? You’re kind of bound to whatever crazy or boring situation you find yourself in… It’s got to get boring. Maybe that’s why they spice it up and have lots of sex.”

Q: Starring opposite Deborah Ann Woll, what has been your favorite scene so far?

A: “I still think my favorite is when we met and the time right after that when we went to Bill’s place. That scene at Merlotte’s was about as good a scene I’ve ever gotten to act in professionally, in terms of what was written, because it’s such a perfect situation. These people find the kind of love and acceptance they really want to have and they find it in each other in a surprising, spontaneous way — a way that requires a lot of courage and trust from both of them.”

Q: What is it like working with Alan Ball?

A: “I was probably starstruck when I met him at the audition. I remember watching him win the Oscar in 2000 for “American Beauty,” … and I remember thinking ‘I guess that’s what a great writer looks like.’ I was just starting to pay attention to writing and movies and things like that. I saw a special screening of “American Beauty” in Austin before it came out and I was so struck by how on-point and relatable everything was, but not in an obvious way. He always finds the most interesting way to explore what we already are kind of aware of. He has the uncommon thought on the common idea. I think that’s why he can be an original but also highly relatable and popular. He’s just a brilliant guy.”

Q: When you do fan appearances, what’s the wackiest thing a fan has ever said or given you?

“My wife [Ciera, an actress] and I just had a nutty lady come up, she was probably in her mid-50s or something, and say that we gave her her sex life back. Her husband was there and it was very odd.”

Q: What is your film “Post” about?

A: “We pitched it to Sundance. It’s the story of a girl who is discovering she’s got nothing to do with her life anymore because of this traumatic event that took place. So she spends the movie in that situation trying to come into contact with something that resembles who she really is again. I wrote it and we shot it without a crew. My wife is the lead. She gives a performance that’s so unexpected and it’s something you really don’t see. There’s a lot of good work out there and there’s a lot of bored, apathetic, terrible work out there. This is not either. If you see the movie, it’s gonna hit you, effect you and you’re gonna be better off for having seen it.’

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