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Interview Chris Bauer

Wetpaint: Has Andy sobered up?

Chris Bauer: If Andy were real and had to answer that question, I’m sure he’d say, “One day at a time.”

Will we learn more about Andy’s personal life this season and meet his sister?

Yes. We will meet Andy’s sister and, from my observation, learn that she got the looks in the family. And we get to see a peek or two into Andy’s family life and past, which I’m so happy about.  I really appreciate the chance for the audience to get to know another dimension of Andy Bellefleur and I see it as an opportunity to authenticate and humanize a guy that is more complicated than he appears.

In Season 4, can Andy step up to the plate and be a good sheriff?

Andy IS a good sheriff.  Think about what’s on his plate.  It’s a supernatural smorgasbord.  The fact that Bon Temps’ citizens lock their doors at night has nothing to do with the crime rate, which is probably relatively low considering that when the sun goes down, the place is a playground for the other world. Seriously though, one of the things I like about True Blood is how it plays with perceptions.  Andy’s flaws have always certainly been out in the open, and that makes him an obvious target for scorn and criticism. But all in all, he’s a full-on dedicated public servant.  He’s very serious about his civic duty and does whatever he can to fulfill it, to the complete detriment of his personal life.  And his ego is entirely connected to his job performance.  It’s certainly not in his fashion sense.  As far as I’m concerned, the fact that Merlotte’s closes each night without a bar fight is proof enough that he’s a good sheriff.

Any chance Andy gets a love interest this season?

If I wish he would, would that make it happen?  The guy needs to touch someone who’s not under arrest.  A woman would be ideal.

When will Andy have his first prerequisite naked scene?

Does anyone really want to see that?  Though I’d welcome the chance to remind America what a real 44-year-old man looks like, I’d still have to be naked in front of strangers, wouldn’t I?  And have you seen the gentlemen I work with?  If I didn’t see them with my own eyes, I’d think they were computer generated.  I work out five days a week, how come I still have a double chin? I guess that’s beside the point. There are plenty of people who think I’m hot, and I’ve met them both personally. Bring it on, I’ll show ya what i got.

If you could be any True Blood beast, what would it be?

If I could look like Joe Manganiello, I’d be him. I mean Alcide. I mean a werewolf.

If you could have any True Blood super power, what would it be?

Without question I’d be a shifter and I would shift into a ten year younger version of myself. Every ten years.

Ecrit par lamoute 
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