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Anna Paquin: Stylist Mag'

You’ve just celebrated your one-year anniversary, True Blood has been commissioned for a fifth series, and you have four films coming out. Is this the best time of your life?
This is definitely a really amazing time in my life, personally and professionally. A lot of things are coming together in a way that is just amazing and I feel incredibly lucky. We all know it’s not always going to be brilliant. There’s always the harder times. But this is one of those really, really good moments.

Do you ever find it difficult; being both married to Stephen and romantically involved with him on screen?
Not at all. We have a life outside the show. Plus, I get the opportunity to see my husband all the time as opposed to being stuck in a random country making a movie and not seeing him for five months.

Nonetheless, it must be refreshing to have a new love interest in the character of Eric [Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård] in the fourth series?
Of course. It would be boring if all the characters were happily involved with the same person for season after season. There’s got to be conflict, there’s got to be some downs, some new people, so this season it’s the tall Swede. He’s massive – 6ft 4ins.

According to the books written by Charlaine Harris [which the series is based on] you are set to have quite an explicit scene in the shower…
Well, in the books, there are very detailed encounters in a shower. Our boss has confirmed that there is indeed a scene in a shower with Sookie and Eric, the specifics are yet to be divulged. It could be anything!

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Beaucoup de news paraissent chaque jour sur les séries TV, n'hésitez pas à nous aider à publier ces nombreuses actus !

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Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

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