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Janina Gavankar Inside TB Blog

Voici l 'interview donnée par Janina Gavankar à HBO-Inside True Blood Blog le 17 mai 2012.

"By Gianna Sobol

Gianna: What's happening for Luna this season?

Janina: Ohhhh, just general insanity. I'd like to say she's ONLY dealing with losing the father of her child, but her life is just getting more and more complicated this year. 

Gianna: Do you think Luna and Sam are the real deal? Are they meant to be?

Janina: Do I, Janina, think so? YES! I LOVE them together. Finally, a not-so-effed-up shifter who understands her and will adore her for her, drama and all. Does Luna think so? I think she's a cautious and smart momma. She's not trying to run to the altar again anytime soon.

Gianna: How do you prepare yourself for a day of shooting? Do you do anything specific to "get into character"?

Janina: It depends on the material at hand. If it's a morose moment, I have to keep myself in a certain headspace, to be able to burst into tears, or have the character on the verge, because I don't snap into that place easily. Otherwise, I like to have a lot of fun on set. I don't hang out in my trailer all day. I'd rather crack jokes with the crew. I was just saying to Sam last week, I think I've talked to him in silly voices MORE than I've talked to him in my normal voice since I've met him.

Gianna: What's your favorite quality about Luna?

Janina: Her protective nature. She'll cut you if you mess with her, or those she loves.

Gianna: What's your most disliked aspect of her?

Janina: Her skepticism. In some ways it’s what makes her a survivor, but sometimes I just wanna say, "Lady! He's a good guy! You can trust him! Now kiss'm and just be happy, already!"

Gianna: Alan has mentioned that a lot of Season 5 is about the Vampire Authority...How does that affect the shifters in our favorite little town? Do the species mix?

Janina: Well, look, the Authority will affect everyone on this planet at some point, so... yes. But right now, the shifters have something else to deal with.

Gianna: Any fun memories from this season?

Janina: Yeah! Your text, asking me if I'd read Sookie at a table read. Anna couldn't make it, so I gave it a go. Somewhere along the way I started finding the rhythm and melody to the way Sookie speaks. Sheer fun. Ooo! And wandering the lot after a fitting and meeting the wolf wranglers. They showed me two lil’ baby wolf pups in a cage! 

Gianna: And finally, sum up the season in one word:

Janina: OMFG... that's kinda one word, right?"



et celle donnée sur redeyechicago.com début juin 2012:

True Blood’s Janina Gavankar has been talking talks about Shapeshifters in an interview with redeyechicago and in an appearance on Good Day LA.

It’s not difficult to understand how Janina Gavankar, as Luna Garza in “True Blood,” managed to steal Sam Merlotte’s heart. When the Joliet native talks about the romance between the shapeshifters—shifters because they can switch from human to any animal with ease—she gets even more spirited.

“Oh I’d love to see them be together forever,” she gushed during a recent phone interview. “I love Sam and Luna together. She has the only guy who understands her. And she’s totally down for him.”

Alas, that may not happen any time soon. As the HBO hit bites into its fifth season beginning at 8 p.m. June 10, Luna and Sam (Sam Trammell) face an angry pack of werewolves hunting the killer of Luna’s ex, scary wolf Marcus (Daniel Buran). That situation leads to their first big fight, Gavankar said, but those aren’t the only troubles lurking for the couple.

“It’s a tough year to be a shifter,” said Gavankar, 28. “They’re up against a lot this year. It’s tough to stay alive this year, so they have to really fight for their lives.”

Gavankar, who attended the University of Illinois-Chicago (and did RedEye’s Sudoku puzzle every day) before heading to Hollywood, didn’t want to give away too much of Luna’s story, but said we’ll see more of her shapeshifter support group who met and talked about their emotions last season. This year, it seems, the shifters may do more than just talk out their issues.

“The shifters definitely show a darker side of themselves this year, a stronger side,” Gavankar said. “When you’re a shifter and you lose control of yourself it’s dangerous for you and those around you.”

Ecrit par kalypso 
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