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Brit Morgan pour HBO-Inside TB Blog

Le 08 mai 2012, l 'actrice Brit Morgan (qui interprète Debbie Pelt) a donné une interview à HBO-Inside True Blood Blog:

" A world without Debbie Pelt is perhaps a happier one for Sookie Stackhouse. But a show without Brit Morgan is, well, a little sad for the cast and crew. Fortunately the feeling is mutual.

Gianna: Do you miss us?! We miss you! What do you miss the most about working on True Blood?

Brit: I miss you SO much!!! I really miss everything but what I miss most is the people. Being surrounded by such wonderful, talented people and feeling like a part of the family. And of course, I miss playing Debbie and looking forward to what new, exciting things I was going to get to do each episode!

Gianna: She was such a wild character. What went into creating her?

Brit: To prepare myself for Debbie, I researched a lot about addiction because it's such a huge part of her life. I attended NA meetings every month and talked to different people about recovery and battling addiction. Through both seasons I kept a journal for her that I would write in to get into character and I made many CD's of music that I thought she would like or that made me feel close to her. I rehearsed for every episode with my acting coach and watched some great documentaries on wolves! 

Gianna: You had some pretty intense moments on the show – including your final one. What was the most trying scene you had to shoot?

Brit: I would say in the 4th season, there's a scene were Alcide and Debbie are having sex and midway through she confronts him about his feelings for Sookie. It was challenging because it was a short scene with so much going on emotionally and at the same time I'd never done a sex scene before, so there were many things to juggle. It ended up going smoothly but I remember being nervous for about two weeks before I shot it. 

Gianna: Who made you laugh the most on set?

Brit: There's a lot of funny people, but I'm gonna go with Anna. 

Gianna: Characters die on True Blood, but that doesn't mean we never see them again. Any chance Debbie might rear her angry head?    

Brit: I hope so!! Debbie might come back with vengeance, and if she does it won't be pretty.

Gianna: And finally, the most important question: Team Eric or Team Bill?  

Brit: Team Bill. "


Ecrit par Gwaenardel 
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