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All those sex scenes… Do you get nervous?

I’ve always been comfortable with my body and I think Australians have a fairly liberal and open-minded point of view when it comes to sex and nudity. 

More often than not, the girl is going to be far more nervous than me, so I’ll approach the girls beforehand and say: ‘Any questions, qualms, concerns that you have, just come to me.’ 

The more comfortable they are, the more comfortable I am and the scene will work better. 

Jason Stackhouse certainly seems to get into some fairly interesting situations…

Trouble finds him.

Is there anything you’ve taken from his personality into your own life?

I tend to be far too cerebral and totally over-analyse things. But he is the polar opposite in that there’s no will power of thought, he jumps off the cliff without thinking, he dives into any situation with no recourse whatsoever. So I’ve learnt to loosen up my mentality and go with the flow a little bit. 

What do you think of this vampire phenomenon?

Albert Einstein said the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious, and for many people vampires represent the absolute epitome of mystery. They have these other worldly qualities like a sixth sense – and they’re apparently fantastic in bed, they have years and years of experience.

Are you all tight on the set?

They’re a great bunch, so eclectic, everyone comes from different walks of life – Anna [Paquin] comes from New Zealand, Stephen [Moyer] from England, people from all over America. It adds a nice flavour.

Has your personal life changed since you’ve developed a bigger profile? 

Not really, I’m observant but still pretty terrible when it comes to women. I love people and one-on-one I’m fantastic, but in a big group I’ll be the guy at the table watching conversation take place.

Are you a little bit shy?

Not shy, more observant. I’m not the actor type who’ll turn up to a party and do 4,000 accents and put on a show for everyone. 

How has life changed since the Summer Bay days?

Home And Away was the catalyst that made me realise acting was where I wanted to head. It was never my intention to move to LA but now I’m firmly cemented there, the passion for the business and the craft is cemented in my veins. I feel like that’s how I’ve changed the most, in connection to what I do.

You don’t seem to be hanging out with celebrities since you hit the big time…

I’m not really that guy, I’m there to work, I got that out of my system a long time ago. Work is my number one priority – far beyond socialising or even dating.

So, you’re single?

Yes, I’m single and no I’m not dating. That concept has always eluded me, that whole dating thing. What I’m amazed at more than anything is marriage, the lack of thought that goes into marriage. 

Maybe it’s just like going to buy a sandwich: ‘How about we just get married?’ And then the next week they break up, like it was nothing. 

You used to be a triathlete – you must lead a healthy lifestyle…

I’m a firm believer in that real holistic approach to life, just grabbing as much from what life has to offer and using that as life experience or for happiness. I’m into pretty much anything the world has to offer.


Ecrit par maria91 
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