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Books and films such as the Twilight-saga and television shows like “True Blood” has given the world vampire fever. In the center stands a 33-year-old Swede. Alexander Skarsgård has made a success of the Viking vampire Eric Northman.

“When I first heard about this role I thought, “what the hell is this?” A one thousand year old Viking vampire can be anything. But when I heard that Alan Ball, who has made “Six Feet Under” and “American Beauty”, was behind it, I was immediately interested, “says Alexander Skarsgård.

“True Blood” is about vampires and humans living side by side. The series has been a success and the third season will play in spring. Alexander Skarsgård believe that success factors are several.

“The series is entertaining and sexy but I think also that it is intellectual. One can draw parallels to current affairs as alienation and racism. It is not that we are engaged in educational radio, but some may find that they have had preconceived ideas about alienation, “he says.

Why has the vampire trend has become so big?

-”I think it is a mix between fear and attraction. Vampires symbolize experience, but they are still animals and can in a second flip and rip one in pieces. It creates a momentum. You want to get close to the source of knowledge and security that comes with strength, while balancing on the deadly.”

Alexander Skarsgård character Eric Northman recently won awards for the best villain in the science fiction gala “Scream Awards”. But whether or not he really is a villain is unclear.

-”I do not think he is. He comes between a love-saving and Yanks might like to style him as a crook. But I do not think he is, absolutely not. He has his needs, “says Alexander Skarsgård.

How much of the vampire Eric Northman see you?

-”Somehow, the character must be born in me, I must be able to relate to him. Man is both good and bad, everything is there and so there is some of Eric Northman in me.”

Ecrit par maria91 
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