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Stephen parle de Bill


Dans la première interview, Stephen Moyer parle de Bill compton, de tout l'amour qu'il éprouve pour ce personnage avec ses qualités, malgré ses défauts, de ce qu'il représente pour sookie.

Dans la deuxième: il parle de la fin du tournage

Dans la troisième il dit que true blood se termine "naturellement"

Dans la 4ème, c'est une inerview du hollywood reporter



fin juin 2014:

Bill fans out there are wondering if Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse will have a happy ending by the time that True Blood wraps up at the end of August. Below Stephen Moyer talks about what might happen to their relationship:

Last year Bill Compton himself, Stephen Moyer, spoke with TV Line about the new season. Moyer told the publication that Bill might not be as big of A-hole this time around:

“I think that it’s really hard. The characters can’t [always] be who the audience — or the actor — wants them to be at all times. That would be dull. A bunch of people loved Bill and Sookie together, but a whole bunch of people didn’t. So you can’t just please this bunch or that bunch. As [series creator] Alan Ball once said, ‘I’m not interested in people being happy.’ And I’ve always said, as soon as you see one of our couples get together, you know [they're] f**ed. As soon as Hoyt and Jessica got together I was like ‘No! They’re going to f**ing kill this, I know they are!” Because [that relationship] was so beautiful… I loved playing [Bill]. I love him. Whether there were things that I feel were done well or badly or right or brilliantly, I love him.”

Stephen went on to talk about the possibility of Bill and Sookie having a happy ending together:

I don’t know whether they can be, given everything that’s happened between them. What Bill did was open up something inside her that she had never had before. He was the key to a new world for her. And maybe that’s all he was supposed to be–a window into that world. I don’t think that there is a right or wrong answer. I think a bunch of people would be happy if that was the story and a bunch of people would be pissed off if that was the story. I don’t read that s**t, so I don’t care, ultimately. All I want to do is do the show and have fun doing it.

Do you want to see Bill and Sookie live happily every after? 

source: classicalite.com


29 juillet:

Stephen Moyer, actor

Why you know him: Vampire Bill on True Blood

On the end of True Blood:

“I've had a lot of people saying, 'Is it bittersweet?' Honestly, it's just sweet. It's been amazing. It's been seven wonderful years and I'm really so proud and so grateful for everything that it's been, but I'm really excited about what comes next. Truthfully, I'm so glad that we're all ending here, all of us together. It's been such a whirlwind the last couple months, with bringing the show to a close. It just feels like a normal end of the season, but I think around December we're going to realize it's not.”

On playing the sometimes-sweet, sometimes hate-able Bill Compton:

“I always teach drama students that you have to love who you're playing, whether you agree with what they're doing or not. If you don't like what they're doing, you have to decide and agree with the reason that they're doing it. But I love him. The first three or four years he was always trying, even when bad, he was always trying to do the right thing by Sookie, but failing—and ultimately failing because he wasn't prepared to tell her the truth. That's a great lesson: Tell the truth, always. It might be painful, but tell the truth. Then he ended up in a blood pile on the floor and resurrected as a demigod. That's when you go, 'What the fuck am I going to do with him?' But as an actor approaching that, it was a whole ton of fun. I got to do some gnarly crazy shit.”



19 juin: (attention traduction google)


Stephen Moyer est tellement plongé dans le monde de "True Blood" qu'il parle des personnages comme s'ils étaient membres de la famille.

"Le projet de loi représente une bonté et d'une volonté de faire preuve de compassion que je pense que les gens trouvent attrayants et souhaitable", a déclaré Moyer, parler de l'ancien combattant guerre civile morts-vivants qu'il joue. «Eric (Alexander Skarsgard), est un mauvais garçon que mesdames et messieurs se souviendront.

"Cependant, vous ne voudriez pas ces caractères dans votre vie», at-il averti. «Les gens oublient que les vampires agissent finalement de façon égoïste. Pauvre Sookie (Anna Paquin) a été laissé tomber systématiquement, même par le projet de loi, qui tente de faire la bonne chose. "

Il est difficile de croire que "True Blood", qui est basé sur une série de romans de Charlaine Harris, se rapproche de son lever de soleil final.

«Nous étions à la pointe de la révolution de la télévision", a déclaré Moyer avec une fierté évidente. «Nous étions là quand« Breaking Bad »(2008-2013) et« Mad Men »ont commencé et, même si nous étions un spectacle de genre, nous avons parlé de la même manière. Je n'ai absolument aucun regret donnant sept ans de ma vie à cette chose extraordinaire.

«Nous avons réussi à créer un monde si semblable au nôtre, un monde fantastique où nous voulions vivre, mais juste assez bizarre pour le rendre alléchant et étrange. Nous n'avons tout simplement pas réalisé à quel point c'était drôle. C'était la clé. C'est évidemment violent, sexy et effrayant, mais la comédie ajouté quelque chose. "

Une autre clé était Ball, un lauréat d'un Oscar pour son scénario de "American Beauty" (1999), qui a son propre angle décalé à la série de Harris, y compris de faire quelques changements qui pourraient facilement ont aliéné les fans des livres. Il n'a, cependant, s'en tenir à l'idée de base d'une serveuse télépathe qui vit dans la fiction Bon Temps, en Louisiane., Un endroit où les vampires et les humains coexistent grâce à la disponibilité facile de sang synthétique fabriqué en série.

"Alan est un drôle, sombre, tordu (coquin)", a déclaré Moyer. "J'apprécie énormément son entreprise, mais surtout j'aime son esprit très étrange."

Parmi les pièces préférées de Moyer de "True Blood" sont les scènes de flashback.

«Je n'avais pas connu que Bill était un pianiste de cocktail dans les années 1920," at-il dit. «Un jour, Alan me chanter entendu et dit:« Nous allons faire le projet de loi le faire. " Quelqu'un d'autre a écrit le projet de loi comme un punk dans les années 1980. Toutes ces choses informer le personnage que je vais jouer maintenant.

"Une des joies sur le formulaire long de télévision, c'est qu'il obtient juste plus en plus riches."

Comme Saison 7 commence, Sookie est forcé de reconsidérer son avenir, alors que le projet de loi est de découvrir que le salut vient à un prix. Tous les personnages doivent faire face à une nouvelle crise, et pas tous atteint la série finale en vie.

"Nous avons déjà perdu un couple d'acteurs», a déclaré Moyer. «Je ne vais pas donner de suite qui, mais il est incroyablement triste de dire au revoir."

La série aurait pu aller encore un an?

"Nous aurions pu faire plus», dit-il pensivement, "mais je pense que c'est d'atteindre sa fin naturelle."

Lire l'intégralité de cet entretien en allant à: readingeagle.com


le 23 août 2014:

True Blood will meet its "true death" on Sunday, but will Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer)?

The vampire's fate is one of the biggest questions heading into this weekend's series finale. The previous episode brought him to Sookie's (Anna Paquin) door to explain his decision not to cure his Hep-V — a choice that surprised even Moyer, he tells The Hollywood Reporter.

"I had a slight issue with it, because I couldn't understand why he would go to the storeroom to Fangtasia and then say no," he says. "Ultimately, he goes because he wants to do right by Sookie. His decision to not turn around then and there is his going along with what Sookie has tried to make happen, and it's really only when he’s right there that he thinks, 'no.' "

But no matter how his fast-accelerating sickness resolves, Bon Temps' "vampire Bill" won’t be back on HBO in the foreseeable future. Sunday's finale ends the Alan Ball-created drama's seven-season run, which has brought Bill from love interest to vampire king to daywalking god to local patriarch — and during which Moyer met his real-life wife, Paquin.

"It's really hard sometimes — regardless of the fact that obviously I met Anna doing this job and we got married and had babies. If that hadn't been the case, this would still have been an extraordinary seven years. Playing some of those locations for the last time, it was really hard," he says. "The guy who's sitting behind the camera is the guy who's been sitting behind the camera for seven years. It was all very wrapped up in the emotion of that being the last time."

Prior to the finale, the actor sat down with THR to talk about his character's evolution and what fans can expect from him in the final episode:

Bill's held many roles in the show's seven seasons. What were your favorite storylines?

What I was attracted to in the script was a hint of darkness in the very nature of the thing that he is, and yet it was wrapped up in this enigmatic, rather quiet person. There will always be a part of me that's — not smitten, but that first couple of years and the first year specifically was such an amazing ride, being able to make Alan's dream, that crazy dream that he had that seems like a lifetime ago.

I was very unsure about the nature of where Bill was going in season three. He gets kidnapped by Russell [Denis O'Hare] at that point, and he becomes quite evil with Sookie, not telling her that he had been sent originally to procure her. I was pretty unsure. The way that they were sending him was really vicious with her, and then he has the creepy breaking Lorena's [Mariana Klaveno] neck. It wasn’t that I didn't want to play it — I was unsure of the motives behind it. Alan was fantastic and tried to explain it, and actually that incarnation of Bill I think probably remains my favorite. Of course, it was great fun to do when suddenly he was omnipresent and omnipotent. The thought of his power at that point, that's very difficult to play, but I loved it.

Who is Bill this season?

This year, I think that the writers wanted to create an essence of that first season, that first couple of seasons where the show was smaller, wasn't as multi-story-layered, and one of the things they did with Bill to make that happen was a sort of an echoing of his past. When he loses the power, all his powers, and he can no longer daywalk and everything is gone, he gets reset in a way. There was a really nice scene in episode one of this season that we cut out — it was Andy [Chris Bauer] and Bill driving in the car, and Bill is talking about this fact that he feels different, that he can kind of sense that there is something different about him. He's thinking about the past, and one of the nice things it did was set up the idea that we were going to start seeing echoes of him.

Is there a common thread through his storyline?

I think the common thread is this desire to recapture his humanity, to find what it was that made his heart beat. I think in that way he differs from most vampires, because vampires in their very essence are superior to humans, and this is why to other vampires he feels like an anomaly. I think that to other vampires the thought of wanting to go back to this weakness is insane, it doesn't make sense. It's frustrating that he feels like, "I am of this nature, I am of this frailty, and I want to rekindle that somehow."

One of the things that Anna and I said — we had a dinner with Bucky [showrunner Brian Buckner] a year ago, before we had started filming, when they were just conceiving of this year, and quite frankly sat down with him and said, "We do not need in any way need you guys to try to tie up the Bill-Sookie love knot. If you don't feel like that’s part of the show, we absolutely don’t need for it to be that." I had said, "If you want that, we both do. If you see the show as Alcide [Joe Manganiello] and Sookie, that would be totally cool by us. If you see it as Eric [Alexander Skarsgard] and Sookie, that would be absolutely cool." I certainly didn't want to play an obvious part. One of the things we've been good at is surprising the audience, not always giving them what they want or expect. So for me, it’s been interesting to sort of find that character again. He’s been so many things. I think he's had the most difficult arc in many respects, trying to find that sustenance and feeling.

What can fans expect for Bill in the finale?

At the end of [episode] nine, he has called Sookie and had the conversation with Eric, Eric's gone back, and he knows that he's going to talk to [Sookie]. He's going to see her, because she deserves it and is owed it, to know what's been going on for him and why he is doing what he's doing. We sort of enter into the episode right there.

Is there anything you wish the show had explored more fully?

I think that one of the first things that Alan said to me, the first six episodes in, is, "Is there anything you're missing, anything you want to do, anything about the character?" I had said, "If I had been this person, if I had been alive for 100 and however many years, I would want to have read all the books that I could possibly have, learned every language and seen all the great wonders of the world, but then, what is there left once you’ve done all that?" That boils down to the very essence of what a vampire is. They’ve done everything they could have done. Then — this is the interesting question — what is there left to do?

And there's Bill and Eric. There’s moments where in Victorian times we're together, and then we as an audience don't see them again for a hundred years until they see each other in Fangtasia for the first time in season one. We always wanted to do something with, where did the animosity come from when they first see each other in Fangtasia? Where did that stem from? Obviously the scene between him and Pam [Kristin Bauer van Straten] from 100 years ago [in which Bill and Lorena visit Pam’s brothel] would not have been the reason for that animosity; it was just two vampires feeding. I had always wanted for us to see a flashback to that, and so that Alex and I got a chance to do more flashbacks together. That was where our characters differed from the human characters, where we got to play all those different eras.


Ecrit par kalypso 
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