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Rutina Parle de Tara


La mort de Tara dasn le 701 a peiné nombreux fans...

mais elle nous rappelle qu'un mort dans true blood ne signifie pas forcément qu'on ne le verra plus (rappellons nous Jésus, Godric...)

Rutina revient sur son personnage dans plusieurs interviews:

Rutina Wesley, the actor behind Tara Thornton, dishes on her set souvenirs, her personal favorite 'bad thing,' and the craziest thing a fan has ever done.

What's been your favorite part of playing Tara on 'True Blood'? 
My favorite part was being turned vampire. It was fun to do something different, and a little challenging. I got be sexy, too — it was great. And, of course, I got to play alongside the beautiful Kristin Bauer van Straten.

Apart from being turned vampire, do you have another favorite storyline? 
I really enjoyed working with Sam Trammell. I thought the whole Tara/Sam storyline was sweet and that it could have worked out, but you know that happiness doesn't make for good TV. [Laughs.] I liked being a vampire, but I also really enjoyed being a human in those early seasons.

Do you have any favorite memories from those early seasons? 
I love the first season. Season 1 was awesome — it was just like sparks flying off the screen. It was amazing. I also loved working with James Frain [who played Franklin Mott] and Michelle Forbes [who played the Maenad Maryann Forrester]. Working with the talent that has come through the show has just been insane. That's been one of favorite experiences on the show — working with so many talented actors.

hat initially attracted you to the role? 
I audition for everything that comes my way because you never know what's going to come out of something. When I got the script, I thought, “This is great. She's funny, she's feisty” — something I thought I could pull off. I got the role three days after the audition process finished, but it felt like three years later. [Laughs.] I was in shock when I found out. I'd just graduated from school, and all I could think was, “Wow! I'm going to be on an HBO show — this doesn't happen that fast!”

Have you taken any souvenirs from the set, or is there anything you've got your eye on? 
I really want my fangs, and I don't know if I can fit into them anymore, but those jean cutoff shorts that I wore all the time in the first few seasons? I kind of want them for my womancave. Put 'em in a frame or something.

Do you think that Tara made her peace with being a vampire? 
She wasn't happy about it, but she learned to deal with it. Ultimately, she was happy to still be around.And she really got to bond with Pam — it was nice to see the two of them together. Pam finally met her match.

Tara also makes peace with her mother right before her death. Why do you think she was finally able to forgive her? 
Tara just realizes that it's time. She can look her mother in the eye and see that she's being genuine, that she really means it this time.

It's a nice moment for the two of them.

It's one of my favorite scenes that I've ever done. I love working with Adina Porter. She brings out the best in me! She's just so good!

Is the True Death really the end of Tara? 
I'll just say this — she's dead — but that doesn't always mean gone on 'True Blood.'

 Read the complete article at the source .




Rutina Wesley, True Blood’s Tara is interview by EW Magazine.  Below is a portion of the interview where they discuss Tara’s fate in the final season of True Blood.

Did you know Tara would be killed off when you filmed the season 6 finale?
Rutina Wesley: I found out over the hiatus about the end of my journey on the show. [Laughs]

What was your reaction?
I think it’s great. I think somebody had to go. To have a main character right off the bat go, that’s gonna bring everybody into the show. It’s like, “Okay, and the show has started.” It’s kind of like the catalyst for everything else that’s gonna probably happen—I don’t know what’s gonna happen, because I didn’t read anything else because I want to be surprised. I think it’s kinda cool that the last time you see me, it looks like I’m gonna win the fight, and then you cut to Lettie Mae. Me and that vampire went at it, and unfortunately, he wins. [Laughs] They’ve given me such an incredible journey on this show that I’ve never had any complaints about what they’ve written for me. So when I found out, I was just like, “Okay, great. Let’s get it started. This is the final season. We can’t all make it to the end.” You wouldn’t have a show. There wouldn’t be any drama. It wouldn’t be True Blood if somebody didn’t die.

After drinking Willa’s blood to heal, Lettie Mae is high and says that she can see Tara. Does that leave the door open for the audience to see Tara again?
She’s dead. But I can tease that dead doesn’t always mean gone on True Blood.

How would you like fans to think of Lettie Mae now?
She and Tara had that beginning of a reconciliation, and then when the H-vamp was attacking, Lettie Mae seemed to be only thinking about herself. I think Lettie Mae is genuinely asking Tara for forgiveness. In that moment [in the season 6 finale], I think Tara decides to make amends with her mother. When Lettie Mae says, “Let me feed you,” it’s like, “It’s the least I can do after the years and years of bad parenting. Let me feed you, let me nourish you.” She meant it. It’s tricky with her because Lettie Mae has been such a hypocrite. The last time we saw her, she basically disowned Tara and now she’s sort of back. I think the fact that Tara does go to feed on her says a lot. I think that says Tara is finally at peace with it. I hope.

What are you hoping to keep from the show?
I’m hoping to keep a set of my fangs. I think we all get to keep a set of our fangs. That’s a memento I’d like. And also [Laughs] from the first couple of seasons, I was always in those tight cutoff jean shorts. I kinda want to frame them and put them in my woman cave. I think that’d be kinda funny.

There’s a True Blood musical in very early discussions. Would you be into that?
Oh yeah, I love to sing. Musicals are my favorite. I’m a musical theater buff. I grew up in the theater—that’s my love, my passion. So I would be down for the True Blood musical, definitely.

What do you picture Tara singing?
That’s actually a really hard question because we have human Tara and then we have vampire Tara. I listened to a lot of music the first couple of seasons for human Tara because she’s so defensive, she has so many insecurities. So there was this song called “Runaway Slave” by Stic.man and Young Noble. It’s a rap song, hardcore. It just reminded me of her, because she has so much fire with people. Like if you cross Tara, if you did something to her the wrong way, she was gonna come at you and put you in your place—kinda like how she did the guy with the whole, “Isn’t that funny, I’m named after a Plantation.” Tara loves that.

Read the complete interview with Rutina at the EW.com.

Ecrit par kalypso 
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