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Interview Lucy Griffiths

Nora is essentially fighting for her life to stay alive. Will she be able to get out of the Authority's clutches?
Lucy Griffiths: 
She is going to try, and I think Eric is going to help her, too.

How will the war between the Mainstreamers and the Sanguinistas ramp up?
The focus is the climax of the season, so it comes to a head, to say the least. It gets quite aggressive. It's not a calm takeover like you think it might be, or that you would probably know if you've seen any of the True Blood series before [laughs], but it gets quite aggressive.

Do you think Nora might change her mind on which side she's really on?
I don't know if it's ever going to be a question of her changing her mind. I think what Nora does is she has two loyalties. She has a loyalty to Eric and a loyalty to the Authority. What it becomes is a case of trying to step outside the situation and see who's really returning her loyalty, and trying to be objective about whether it's healthy for her to remain part of the Authority or not, and whether letting Eric guide her, and trusting him as opposed to trusting her faith, might be a better idea.

Since Roman is itching to kill Nora, how will that feud come to a head?
 Nora definitely comes off better.

Will Nora have any interaction with Russell this season?
 Yes. It's funny. They are, to an extent, on the same team.

Will Nora and Eric ever have to go against each other this season?
They're not quite against each other and they never fight against each other, they fight between themselves. Their connection is very strong so if they are fighting it's for the sake of what's going on around them. It's personal as well, which makes it more dramatic. They don't get along all the time. They do fight.

How would Nora feel if she knew that Eric slept with Salome (Valentina Cervi)?
They have a fraternal relationship completely, it just so happens that vampires are so sexual. I don't think there's a possession, like with Bill (Stephen Moyer) and Sookie (Anna Paquin). I'm not sure that she knows, or how she'd feel if she did know. That's not what their relationship is based on. Their relationship is based on being brother and sister and sharing a guardian and Father.

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Nora was very close with Salome. Might Salome be sympathetic enough to help Nora out of the situation?
Probably, just because Salome is so fervent in her belief [that] this character called Lilith is the path to power and happiness, and Lilith is inextricably linked with the Authority, so I don't think Salome would ever condone anybody that she cared for or herself distancing themselves from the Authority for that reason.

I hear we get to meet Lilith this season. What can you tell us about her?
I can tell you she is bloody powerful.

Will her arrival be a turning point in the war between the vampires?
Yeah, all the characters realize, once you meet her, the effect that she has over people and that dictates the direction some of the characters go off in.

Does everyone respect Lilith?
She is very powerful and very seductive. She thinks the weaker you are, the more easily she's got you in her grasp. There are so many characters in the Authority for her to have an effect on. How people do respond and how everybody reacts to that, their actions are dictated by how powerful she is.

Do people actually believe she exists or when she arrives, will there be some skeptics?
Some people are so sure that she exists that when they see her they are not surprised. Some people are very skeptical before and after they see her. I guess the only thing you could really compare it to is a supreme being and how different humans feel about whether or not that is real.

Ecrit par maria91 
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