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Répliques VO saison 3

Heartthrob (3#01)

James: Lucky me, now I can kill the woman you love.
Angel: No, you can't.
James: Are you forgetting who's the invincible one here?
Angel: The woman I love is dead.


Episode "That vision thing" (3#02)

Wesley: Think of them as a gifts.
Cordy: Yes, having my head torn open and hot lava poured into my skull gifts.


That old gang of mine (3#03)

Lorne: Why, now, I'm sure Angel just forgot for the moment that any demon violence is impossible in Caritas.


Carpe Noctem (3#04)

Marcus: You-you don't deserve that body.
Angel: Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.


Episode "Fredless" (3#05)

Lorne: Oh really? Well I am not some mystical vending machine, here to spit out answers every time you waltz in with a problem. I have a heart. Granted, it's located in my left buttcheek, but it's still a heart, and that heart is broken. I mean, why is it nobody ever cares about my destiny? Everyone who waltz through that door is all about "me, me,me" - what about my me? My me's important!
Cordy: Oh - Angel! I know that I'm a Slayer and you a vampire - and it would be impossible for us to be together - but!
Wes: But! My gypsy curse sometimes prevent me from seeing the truth. Oh, Buffy!
Cordy: Yes, Angel?
Wes: Oh, I love you so much I almost forgot to brood!
Cordy: And just because I sent you to hell that one time doesn't mean that we can't just be friends.
Cordy: Oh!
Wes: Or possibly more.
Cordy: Gasp! No! We mustn't.
Wes: Kiss me.
Cordy: Bite me!


Episode "Billy" (3#06)

Cordy: "Please, I was you - with better shoes."
Lilah: "These are Boracchi."
Cordy: "Fall collection?"
Lilah: "Next spring."
Cordy: "He's widened the heel."
Lilah: "And rounded the toe."
Cordy: "That won't work with pink."
Lilah: "The pink is out this spring."

Offspring (3#07)

Gunn: I got a bad feeling about this.
Wesley: We figure something out. It's just a vault.
Gunn: Actually my bad feeling is more about the man standing behind you with the large revoler.


Lullaby (3#09)

Darla: Doesn't anyone wanna sit back here with me?
Cordy: We're good.
Gunn: Yeah, it's comfy.
Darla: I promise I won't throw anyone out of the car. Not while it's moving.
Fred: It's not that we don't trust you. I mean, we don't trust you. But the fact is, your water broke all over the back seat.


Episode "Birthday" (3#11)

Cordy: That's just a fancy way of saying...
Angel: She's dying.
Cordy: I think I like the fancy way better.


Provider (3#12)

Angel: Lorne, I need you to use your contacts and find out what Holtz is up to. He's out there somewhere, and we can never forget that. Finding him is our number one priority.
Gunn: I thought you said...
Angel: Finding Holtz and making money are our two number one priorities.
Cordy: (Clears throart)
Angel: Helping the helpless, finding Holtz, and making money are our three number one priorities.

Loyalty (3#15)

Angel: I know it's a little bit stupid too early to be thinking about stuff like this, but I... I can't wait to watch him, you know, grow up. For him to lose his forst tooth. Learn how to ride a bike. I want to help him pick out a tux for his senior prom. I just can't wait to see who he's gonna to be. I know it's mushy, but it's just... He makes me so happy.

Double or Nothing (3#18)

Jenoff: You offering me your soul?
Angel: A chance to win it anyway.
Jenoff: How stupid do I look to you? You're a vampire. I can smell it from here.
Angel: Take a bigger whiff. I'm a vampire with a soul.
Jenoff: Oh. You're that vampire.

Episode "Benediction" (3#21)

Cordy: Wait, Angel before you go we have to do that thing?
Angel: What thing?
Cordy: The thing we do. You know that thing where I say 'are you sure you know what you're doing' and 'Angel, please think about this and then you ignore me and rush headlong into trouble?
Angel: Right. That thing. 'kay. We done?


Ecrit par Marion 
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